Things That You Can Add At Roblox Studio.

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If You are A Developer At roblox And You Ran Out Of Ideas , Here ‘s A Few Things That you Can add To your Own Game .

1.Watch Tower


This can be Used For FFA & Capture the flag games


This Model Is Perfect If You Are Making FFA ( free For all ) game . It ‘s Perfect For a FFA Game Because  It Could Make Your FFA Map Better. You Can Add Trees Near It Too . I Think Watch Tower is Pretty Good For a FFA Game Or A Capture the flag game .





It Could Be A House Or a Hotel , It Could Be anything . If You are making  A Rp Game  , I Think This Is Perfect . You Can add Apartments , Malls And Other buildings Beside The Houses. If You are making FFA Game , Its Not Really Recommended  . I Think If You are Making a Piggy Game , Its Is Recommended.



You Can Add NPCs To your game  . You Can Add Different NPCs . This Model Is Good For RP Game But It’s Not Recommended . I Think    Capture The Flags Is Better With NPCs.


4.Admin Commands

You Can Add This To your Game  , But I Suggest Not To Sell It . I Highly Recommend To give Admin To trusted Players Only  .


5. Day and Night cycle

You can add This to your Game But I Don’t Suggest Adding This To A Piggy game . You Can Add This To A Rp game .



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