Games i Helped Creating at Blockate Roblox

I Helped Friends Build Things . i Helped Them Build Different Games . Like Rp game , City game , Fnaf game , Simulator game , story game and etc.

Here  are The games  i helped building it.

1. Universe Hotel – (Rp game )

It Was Owned By LUSHKINDSPEEDTCIP and Helped by Creation5800 and me . We All Helped Building it . It has A Slide In It . There ‘s 3 Floors.


2.Comedy – ( Comedy game )

It Was Owned By 3c_7 And Some people including me helped him build it . We made the stage , The Walls and The Roof.


3.Project Plasma – ( Like a SCP game ) , ” Before It Got Reseted

It Was Owned By LUSHKINDSPEEDTCIP And I Helped Him Build It . Before It Got Reseted , There are Cages with Creatures inside it . There are Also items There too .


I helped a lot of people , thats all for today.

Comment Down Below , What is Your Blockate World name ?


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